
Friday, April 18, 2014

Inventor Posters




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Ohio Inventors

At the conclusion of Social Studies for the year, the students researched Ohio Inventors and their inventions.  They created life sized posters of the inventors and presented the information to the class.
Their posters included background information about the inventor, how he/she got the idea, as well as, the science behind the invention.  Positive and negative effects and changes to the invention over time were also on the posters.  Finally, the students identified a character trait that was necessary for the inventor to exhibit and supported this with information from their research.

The posters are very impressive!  The students worked hard, had fun, and learned cooperatively!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pioneer Day

Our class recently spent a day at Livingston Lodge learning about pioneer life.  We participated in a variety of activities that were entertaining and educational.   

1.  We learned how wool is spun into yarn.

2.  We had help from Mr. Josche using an auger to drill a hole into a piece of wood to make a candle holder.

3.  We used pieces of tin and created a design using a hammer and nails.  This was for our candle holder.

 4.  We made corn husk dolls.

5.  We dipped our own candles for the candle holder.

6.  We churned our own butter to use at our meal.

7.  We learned how to play the Dulcimer.  This is a stringed instrument used by pioneers.

8.  We wove baskets.

Finally, we helped to prepare our wonderful lunch of beef stew, corn bread, and apple crisp.  Lentil soup was also served since everyone doesn't eat meat.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How do floods affect erosion and deposition?

We conducted another stream table investigation to determine how floods affect erosion and deposition of soil.  We set up two stream tables, one standard and one flood, to compare the results.

Stream tables before the investigation. 

Group 1 
Below are the stream tables for group 1.  Which table is the flood environment and which one is the standard table?  How do you know? 

Group 2:  Below are the stream tables for group 2.  Which table is the flood? 

Below is the canyon formed by the flood.  

Slope & Flood Investigation- Group 2 had some extra class time, and the kids wanted to investigate the effects of a flood on a sloped stream table. 

Does Slope affect erosion & deposition?

In science we are investigating whether different environmental factors affect erosion and deposition of soil.   I have attached photos of the stream tables that were taken during the investigation last week.

Standard Stream table from Science group 1.  Check out the deposition.  Ask your child to identify the alluvial fan.

This is the standard stream table from class 2.  Check out the deposition.  Ask your child to identify the location of the canyon. 

This is the canyon on the standard stream table.  Can your child compare and contrast this with the canyon of the sloped stream table? 

This is the sloped stream table for group 1.  Compare the location of the alluvial fan with the standard stream table. 

This is the sloped stream table for group 2.  Compare the erosion and deposition with that of a standard stream table. 

Canyon of sloped stream table.  Why does is look so different from the standard stream table?